22/99 - Expo Pan'Art

Expo Pan'Art (22/99) - Work - Philippe V
My VPworld

Promotional campaign for the 10th anniversary of the "Pan'Art" exhibition. Posters, 2021 association catalog, flyers & invitations, web adaptations, and press inserts.
Each year, the exhibition playfully challenges preconceived notions about disabilities by showcasing artworks created by children and adults with disabilities.

Campagne promotionnelle pour les 10 ans de l'exposition "Pan'Art". Affiches, catalogue des associations 2021, flyer & invitation, déclinaisons web et encarts presse.
Chaque année, l'expo donne un joyeux coup de pied aux idées reçues sur le handicap en exposant les oeuvres d'enfants et adultes porteurs de handicap.
